Secord Township   1507 Secord Dam Road    Gladwin,  Michigan 48624
Secord Township Masterplan


Purpose and Planning Process


The purpose of the Secord Township Land Use Master Plan is to provide guidelines for future development within the community, while protecting the natural resources and rural township character. The Michigan Planning Enabling Act, P.A. 33 of 2008, states a Township may adopt, amend, and implement a master plan. 

The Michigan Planning Enabling Act states:

The general purpose  of  a  master  plan  is  to  guide  and  accomplish,  in  the  planning  jurisdiction    and  its environs, development that satisfies all of the following criteria:

(a)   Is coordinated, adjusted, harmonious, efficient, and economical.

(b)   Considers the character of the planning jurisdiction and its suitability for particular uses, judged in terms of such factors as trends in land and population development.

(c)   Will, in accordance with present and future needs, best promote public health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare.

(d)   Includes, among other things, promotion of or adequate provision for one (1) or more of the following:

    (i)     A system of transportation to lessen congestion on streets.  

   (ii)     Safety from fire and other dangers.

  (iii)     Light and air.

  (iv)     Healthful and convenient distribution of population.

   (v)     Good civic design and arrangement and wise and efficient expenditure of public funds.

  (vi)     Public utilities such as sewage disposal and water supply and other public improvements.

(vii)     Recreation.

(viii)     The use of resources in accordance with their character and adaptability.

This plan presents background information on social and economic data, natural resources, existing community services and facilities, and existing land uses. The background information is used to identify important characteristics, changes and trends in Secord Township.  A special community workshop was held to gather input from residents and landowners.  Based on information gathered at this workshop and the background data, the Township Planning Commission developed goals and objectives.  These goals and objectives, along with a series of maps including soils, ownership, existing land use, and zoning, provide the basis for the Future Land Use Map.  The future land use map recommends locations for various types of future development within the Township.

The Master Plan was developed by the Secord Township Planning Commission with the assistance from the East Michigan Council of Governments (EMCOG).  This plan looks at a twenty year planning horizon, with required revisits every five years or sooner if needed.  A series of planning workshops were held over the years of 2012 and 2013. All workshops were open meetings with public welcomed and encouraged to comment on the plan.

The Status of Planning and Zoning in Secord Township


On August 10th of 1977, the Secord Township Board established a Planning and Zoning Commission under the Township Planning Act 168 of 1959.  With the assistance of planning consultants and the County Planning Commission, the Township adopted a zoning ordinance on October 25th, 1986.  It was recently amended by the Township in 2010. On February 10, 1998 Secord Township adopted its first Comprehensive Plan.  On February 10th, 2007 the Township adopted an amendment to their Comprehensive Plan which included Socio‐Economic and Land Use Sections.  On June 15, 2011, the Secord Township Board passed Ordinance 3-2011 which confirmed the establishment of the Planning Commission with Zoning Authority under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008.

Secord Township has recognized the importance and need for developing an updated Master Plan in compliance with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, P.A. 33 of 2008.  Establishing this Master Plan   provides a legal foundation for the Township Zoning Ordinance and a formal plan to manage for anticipated growth within the Township.  By documenting existing conditions such as environment, socio-economic, community services, transportation, recreation, and land use within a master plan, the Township will be able to formulate appropriate land use goals and policies to guide development and serve as the basis for enforceable zoning.  The master plan will in turn be used as a basis for re-examining the Township’s zoning districts and land use development controls.

Location and Regional Setting


Secord Township comprises an area of 23.4 square miles and is situated in the north east quadrant of Gladwin County Michigan.  The Township is defined by Township and Range Numbers as T.19N.-R.1E.  Secord Township is centrally located in Gladwin County and is bordered by seven other townships: Butman, Clement, Bourret, Gladwin, Buckeye, Hay and Grim.  M-30 highway traverses the western border of the Township.

Distance to other Michigan Cities:




Gladwin                                                     16

West Branch                                            20

Midland                                                     38






Houghton Lake


Bay City

Mount Pleasant



Mackinaw City

Traverse City


Grand Rapids






Flint Bishop Airport

MBS Airport

Detroit Metro Airport

Chicago O’Hare Airport




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